MIRA | Money invested in right assets
personalized and ​purpose driven investments

India’s first Quant-on-Index™ investment platform offering objective based ready made portfolios

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Smart Asset Allocation|Active Rebalancing|Risk Adjusted Approach


Talk to an expert from our investment team. Understand your investment options, get your questions answered and invest. It's that simple.

Investing responsibly
​since 2010

Our 5 years returns
15.4% p.a

Experience managing
​550 crores of assets

Our Investment Products

Invest in well diversified and risk adjusted ​return baskets for growth, security ​and financial freedom

Invest in

Growth Baskets

Investment objectives based ready-made portfolios of select 4 to 5 equity ​index & debt funds powered by ​our RAPID™ investment strategy.

Recommended duration : 5+ yrs
5 year annual returns : 15.4%

Invest in

Rising Alpha PMS Portfolio

PMS portfolio of select equity and debt index funds and high growth ​sector funds ​powered by our RAPID™˙ ​investment strategy.

Recommended duration : 5+ yrs
5 year annual returns : 16.3%

*Returns as of May 2023 and net of fee. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Performance shown above is based on backtested data.

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Why our Clients Choose Us?

We craft portfolios aligned with your financial aspirations
Personalized & Purpose-Driven Investing

A personalized portfolio where every chosen asset works in favour of your specific aspirations like owning a house, funding your children's education abroad, retiring early, and more.

Well-Diversified Index Fund-Based Portfolio

As index funds replicate the composition of indices, investors highly benefit from its attractive returns that have proven to outperform active funds in the long run.

Active Monitoring of Your Portfolio

We keep a watch on your portfolio to ensure your investments are on track and closer to meeting your financial aspirations.

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Plan your future
with us.

On an investment of
Over a time period of
3 years5 years7 years

Your Equity returns would have been



Returns : 21.5% p.a
In Nifty 50 Index


Returns : 13.7% p.a
In Fixed deposit


Returns : 5.9% p.a

*Returns as of September 2023 and net of fee. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Performance shown above is based on backtested data.


A goal is a dream with a deadline -Napoleon Hill

Saving does not mean investment. So, whether the aim is to pay off a debt, buy your dream home, or achieve early retirement, it all starts with making the right investments and building wealth.

And hence, based on your risk profile and financial aspirations, we build a customized portfolio that allows you to create a future you believe in.

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Our Proprietary Investment Strategy
RAPID: Risk Adjusted Portfolio with Integrated DiversificationTM
Your Informed Investment Buddy

Our proprietary framework with investment intelligence and data at its core assists our team with better investment choices leading to unbiased and unemotional decisions.

Our model is trained with 15+years of proven active investing strategies to protect the capital and generate superior returns.

Mira illustration

What some of our
customers have to say about us..

"I was looking for a wealth management firm that can give me a personalized, unbiased, and benchmark-driven investment plan and advice."

Nousheen Khan
Director & Head HR, Hexagon Capability Center

"From my first meeting with Anand, his service has been spot on. He produced the most detailed and personalized goal-based investment plan..."

CA Ritesh Ghosal
Associate Director - Unacademy.

"I was always looking for a customized and investor friendly portfolio management service than just investing in mutual funds and stocks."

Alok Chandak
Solutions Architect, Hedwell, Singapore.

You Aspire. We Execute.

We are here to make your wealth the asset it was meant to be. Let’s get you started now..!

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